Generally speaking, the main dishes on a menu are the ones that garner most of our attention. They are the ones that anchor the meal and the ones that we scope out on the menu before our arrival. However, more and more frequently we have found our eyes drawn to that first little section of appetizers – and occasionally we find that it’s as far as our eyes wander.
With apps on the mind, we polled our team, friends and trusted restaurant-goers to find out which Nashville appetizers serve the most delicious, addicting, come-back-again-soon-worthy creations … and we’re sharing them with you. Without further ado, the appetizers in Nashville that we currently can’t not order when we go out!
M.L.Rose’s Bottle Caps + Ranch Dressing
The ranch dip that accompanies the “bottle caps” at M.L.Rose is amazing. Yes, the fried okra, jalapeños and pickles that make up this dish can compete for best in Nashville, but it’s the ranch dip that steals the show. It’s super thick and addictive, and some Nashville songwriter should write a song about it. It’s that good.
Read the full article here.